VCP4 Beta Exam – Complete!

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Three hours and 270 questions later, the VMware VCP4 Beta Exam is complete.  Let me just tell you,  I was not prepared at all for this exam – no studying or even using vSphere at all today.  I’ve been so busy that the only thing I reviewed was the Configuration Maximums in my car for about 5 minutes before the test.

Because of the NDA I cannot get into great detail about the exam.  The process is extremely standard for Pearson VUE tests; sign in – verify ID – sign electronic signature – take picture. Then get escorted to an awesome home built PC with your VCP411 test ready to begin!

Out of the 270 questions, it felt that about 35% of them were fit of a VCP4 exam – the rest seemed a little more advanced, perhaps a Master or VCDX level even. But, perhaps they’re working on making the VCP a little more difficult?  I will say that you will need to know _some_of the Configuration Maximums, but not a lot. It would definitely benefit you to know about Paravirtualization, NPIV, iSCSI, Fault Tolerance, Host Profiles and dvSwitches.

With that said, I feel that I did pretty good, left a lot of comments – knew I wouldn’t have enough time to comment on every question, so I did skip some (thanks to VCDX Design Exam Beta for that experience). Hopefully I will find out my results in the 6-8 weeks advertised on the invitation, and not the 3-4 months I’ve been waiting since taking the VCDX Design Exam.